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Symposium LAPHIA - 7th edition - November 2019

Symposium 2014

This event was held at the Institute of Optics of Aquitaine (IOA) rue François Mitterand, in Talence from the 8th to the 12th of September 2014. The symposium brought together researchers, industrials, academic, institutional and international partners to give us all the opportunity to enrich and expand the scientific debate around the three axes LAPHIA: 

  • Laser & physics of high energy
  • Photonic materials
  • Innovative Imaging

This event was an opportunity to present the research programs funded by LAPHIA but also to provide an overview of new trends in photonics, laser and imaging.

Industrial participate

For this second edition, we want to give to industrialists and students the opportunity to attend three courses:

  • Artificial optical materials by Philippe Lalanne (LP2N)
  • Specialty optical fibers: an overview by Sylvain Danto (ICMCB)
  • High resolution optical microscopy by Laurent Cognet (LP2N)

To share our visions on training, research and innovation, a round table will be held September 9, 2014 with the industrials, in partnership with PYLA, the Bordeaux University’s Foundation.

 Students also invest

A "Pint of LAPHIA" will be organized by a junior committee to present different scientific applications in an accessible discourse for Master students at the University of Bordeaux. Two poster sessions will also be organized by the committee to emphasize the research work of PhD students and Post Doctoral students, and strengthen the network within the community. The award for best poster will be awarded at the gala on the 9th of September.